Masuk Daftar

jalan peluru bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "jalan peluru"
  • jalan:    bower; road; route; said good-bye to; st.;
  • peluru:    ammunition; ball; bullet; missile; roundshot;
  • peluru:    ammunition; ball; bullet; missile; roundshot; shot; slug; pistol and rifle cartridges; cannonball; cartridge; pellet; hummer; heater; fastball; unit of ammunition; musket ball; ammo; bird shot; roun
  • jalan:    bower; road; route; said good-bye to; st.; street; thoroughfare; way; way out; ways; approach; ave; avenue; carriageway; functional; go; in action; lane; march; place; start up; walk; public road; w
  • jalan-jalan:    take the air; took the air; saunter; wander; walking; travel around; stroll; go for a walk; walk around; hang out; take a break
  • anti peluru:    bulletproof
  • bantalan peluru:    ball collor thrust bearing; ball-bearing; ball bearings; ball bearing
  • berisi peluru:    loaded
  • cincin peluru:    ball ring
  • dudukan peluru:    ball-seat
  • engsel peluru:    ball joint
  • frais-peluru:    spherical mill
  • gelang peluru:    ball race
  • jangka-peluru:    globe calipers
  • kaliber peluru:    caliber
  • Bullet path took a downward trajectory.
    jalan peluru mengambil lintasan ke bawah.
  • It won't dampen concussive force, but it does deflect the path of a metal bullet by up to four inches.
    Ini tidak akan mengurangi kekuatan concussive, tetapi tidak membelokkan jalan peluru logam hingga empat inci.
  • Uh, we saw him go down, so we're gonna check for bullet trails and, uh, see if we can find him.
    Uh, kami melihatnya turun, jadi kami akan cek Untuk jalan peluru dan, eh, melihat apakah kita dapat menemukannya.